Latest News

  •  Date Posted: Thu, 11 Jul 2024
    Saturday 9 November 2024, 7.30pm
    St Lawrence’s Church, Lawrence Street, York

    Duruflé: Requiem
    Goodall: Eternal Light

    Duruflé’s Requiem is a work of atmospheric beauty and serenity, combining Gregorian chant melodies with more modern harmonies.
    Howard Goodall’s Eternal Light uses Latin text and English poems in a beautiful, contemporary ‘Requiem for the living’.

  •  Date Posted: Sat, 20 Apr 2024
    Come and hear York Musical Society perform Haydn’s The Creation – one of the most joyful and life-affirming choral works ever written - in the beautiful setting of York Minster

  •  Date Posted: Wed, 17 Jan 2024
    Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem

    Brahms' beautiful requiem sung in German as originally written, supported by a full orchestra.
  • YMS Come & Sing Workshop
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 11 Jul 2023
    YMS Come & Sing Workshop
    Saturday 20th January 2024

    Our next very popular Come and Sing workshop will be at St Lawrence's Church, York in January 2024. We will learn to sing Vivaldi's Gloria and end the day with an impromtu concert whiuch will be open to the public.

  • Raymond Lovely
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 11 Jul 2023

    We were saddened to hear that Mr Raymond Lovely, a vice-President of YMS, had died peacefully at home on 11th June 2023. Ray was a YMS institution in himself, with a hugely enthusiastic approach to life and music. He sang with us for over 50 years, had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the society and its history and until quite recently was still actively liaising with Rosemary our archivist in supporting our historical record keeping. We owe a huge to debt to Ray for his contributions over many years.
  • A Sea Symphony
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 27 Feb 2023
    A Sea Symphony
    YMS hosts a return visist to York Minster by its partner choir from York's twin city Munster.
    A Sea Symphony is a panoramic work and takes us on a journey from darkness to light.

    Tickets available here
  • Requiem Aeternam
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 12 Dec 2022
    Requiem Aeternam
    Saturday 11 March 2023
    York Minster
    Two requiems in one concert: much loved Fauré and the rare Michael Haydn which is said
    to have inspired Mozart.
  • Come and Sing Handel's Messiah
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 25 Nov 2022
    Saturday 21st January 2023
    Handel's Messiah (The best Bits!)
    St Lawrence Church, York

    Our popular day of choral singing returned with well-loved choruses from Handel's Messiah. and was sold out!

  • John Bradbury
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 1 Dec 2021
    John Bradbury

    With heavy hearts, York Musical Society regrets to announce the passing of our beloved John Bradbury.
    His sharp wit, dry sense of humour, warm heart, and generous spirit will be deeply missed.
    He joined us as an occasional accompanist several years ago, and in April 2019 became our Assistant Musical Director.
    He was born and educated in Cheshire and was awarded a scholarship to study at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoirewhere he gained Associate and Graduate Diplomas.
    He held a Master of Arts degree from the University of London and was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He had a long and illustrious career in the musical world and when he took early retirement moved to York with Eric, his husband, in 2012.
    He threw himself into the musical life of our City, singing with the Yorkshire Bach Choir, running his own chamber choir, The St John’s Consort, and many other musical ensembles.
    He was an active and talented organ recitalist, recently organising and performing in his series of ‘Organ Plus’ concerts at St Luke’s Parish Church in York.
    He will be missed by so many people from all the different parts of his life.
    We send our love and thoughts to Eric at this difficult time
    Details of a memorial/celebration of his life will be announced in due course.

  • Zoom Royal Visitor
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 26 Mar 2021
    Zoom Royal Visitor

    By Haydn Lewis, Live News Editor 

    A group of singers from York got to perform for a princess this week.

    York Musical Society (YMS), a thriving choral group with hundreds of members, welcomed the Queen’s granddaughter, Princess Beatrice to a Zoom performance of Handel’s Coronation Anthems.

    They were also joined by patrons Sir Ron Cooke and Dr Richard Shephard, and vice-presidents Lady Gillian Barron and Philip Moore along with his wife Allison, and Kurt Calder from sponsors, The Shepherd Group.

    A group spokesman said: “As we have adapted to the strange times this term and rehearsed via Zoom, we decided to treat our last two sessions as virtual concerts, complete with concert dress.

    “Princess Beatrice joined us for the first two anthems and spoke enthusiastically about how everyone has adapted to the situation, and that she is looking forward to being able to join us in person sometime in the not too distant future.”

    Like many other cultural activities, YMS concerts and face-to-face rehearsals are cancelled for the whole of 2020 and the YMS committee has also made the decision to cancel their planned November concert and the choral workshop in January next year.

    They will reconvene their usual Monday evening rehearsals at St Olave’s School in January.

    As the committee email to members puts it: “We know this will be a huge disappointment, but we must make the health of our members and audiences our priority, and adhere to Government guidelines. If the situation changes and it becomes possible for us to get together sooner than January, then we will certainly arrange something.”

Brought to you by Making Music
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